A game you will never try simply because the creator was attacked so much by folks who hated his group that it lead to clashes with moderators.
The clashes came because of three reasons, Amazing:
1. You are a troll without the charisma to get away with it.
2. You twisted the rules on so many occasions that even those who originally felt sympathy for you could no longer stand for it.
3. The clashes came because you willfully twisted the truth on so many occasions that even your most ardent supporters left you high and dry. All you had left were die-hard supporters, as even those who could've been swayed to your cause were alienated by your constant drama fests.
You mean a game made by a ten year veteran of indie game making, in tandem with one other person who is doing the marvelous PHP coding.
A game I won't try because you
shat on the olive branch and way out I offered you. A game I won't try because I honestly do not believe you'll not abuse your overarching abilities as creator and owner of the game.
Banned for graphic sexual profanity? Well, seems
that's okay for people who aren't me.

You were banned for an arbitration violation first and foremost. Secondly, Scinfaxi managed to stick to the letter of the ruling, something which you did not. Ain't it a bitch when the same tactic you used
so often finally caught up with you?
Let's keep it real, my homies.
Whenever you're willing to start.