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Additions to the Game

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Author Topic: Additions to the Game  (Read 391 times)
« on: January 12, 2007, 03:17:50 pm »

I have touched base on this subject in the topic `Tech Increases`, but felt it deserved its own thread / topic.  My suggestions are as follows, best not to implment them all at once as it would spoil the game, to much of a change to quick can turn it into something people cant identify with: -

#1 - A new tear for weaponary.  Perhaps a Sniper Rifle should be introduced, but made quite rare.  Its accuracy could be the highest, when you have reached an advanced level on the skills tree, of say 75% as apposed to the pistol on 65%.  But the damage could be a touch less. 

#2 - Multiple hit weapons could be introduced.  In order to balance the war between the undead and soon to be dead, granades and petrol bombs could be introduced.  When faced with a `hoard` of Zombies, you could use said bomb or what not and it would effect a random number of Zombies with an ammount of damage.  You could even go as far as finding fuel, then having to find a glass bottle, rags and a lighter, in order to use all together as one, which would make it harder to use as it would take up more valuable space on your inventory. 

#3 - Another line of mele weapons, perhaps introduce a Chain Saw, where it would be possbile to maul a Zombie, making him move slower than others and cause an ammount of damage. 

#4 - Zombie intellegence.  I think this is gonna happen.  Like in the George A Romero films, the Zombies could gradually become more intellegent.  Implementing new tears in the skills tree could allow some of the brainier, ones without brain rot, to re-learn how to use certain mele weapons, or perhaps guns.  Not being able to be done if a Zombie has chosen to have brain rot could prove a double edge sword. 

#5 - Traps.  Perhaps the Nerco Tech Boys could be allowed to `trap` Zombies via laying snare traps in certain areas, holfing the poor chaps for an ammount of time, then allowing them to take them back to a Nerco Tech facility and revive them inside the building even if they have brain rot, but without there consent.  Of course they would only be allowed to hold the Zombies captive for about 24hours or something like that, you gotta think of the Geneva convention you see, apparently Zombies have rights too!

Feel free to chukc in some comments and let me know what you think KEVAN!!! and of course the rest of you lot Smiley
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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 07:56:12 am »

first . . . it's tier.

#1,#2,#3 those are all cool, I agree that some more very rare weapons would be really cool.  I also like the idea of having to construct weapons (Like arcanum for those of you who've played)

#4 . . . I totally disagree with this.  I don't like it in zombie movies, and I wouldn't like it in UD.  I don't want my zombies to shoot at me, then they don't seem any different than people.

#5 makes sense I spose.

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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 07:41:00 pm »

New weapons would be quite good. Maybe a Double Barreled Shotgun.

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