Turloc smurple
« on: September 12, 2007, 08:35:14 pm » |
I've been reading over the forums for a littlewhile now, and I've been browsing throught the wiki articles and groups too. It's strange really, I haven't yet found a large following or group of survivors bent on retaking the land lost to the Zombies.
I believe that our best option, as survivors, is to band together and strike a staggering blow at the Zombies hordes in a definitive attack or series of skirmishes! We need to gather in a single area and strike as one at various branches of the Zombie held territories!
Now I'm sure many people will look at this, shake their heads and turn away from my proposal. But think about it... look a LUE. That's exactly what they did, and now they are one of the most powerful groups (Considering they are mainly zombies) in Malton. That Mall Campaign was a pretty clever idea, I commend them on that. They continue to grow and strike in staggering attacks against us, which is proving to be very efficient.
Just think about my proposal, and give me some time to formulate a more solid plan and location to meet, but I promise you, I will try my best as long as people are willing to give it a go. Plus, if you truly are interested, join the Crimson Eagles for further instructions.
Thank you so very much for reading.
Shane Insane
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 04:52:19 am » |
I think this is a great idea, so the Malton Mayhem Militia will stand behind you on this.
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2007, 08:33:24 pm » |
November 5th - Ridleybank - We're gonna take it back and hold it. Be there.
Shane Insane
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 09:16:31 pm » |
We've got some business to tend to, but we will hurry through and make our way there.